
History, Facts and Information about Avitus
The content of this article provides interesting history, facts and information about the Emperor Avitus and the all-powerful Caesars who ruled the empire of Ancient Rome.

The word "Caesar" was originally the name of the famous aristocratic patrician family of ancient Rome and became synonymous with the Roman Emperors. Refer to the comprehensive List of Roman Emperors for the names of the most famous Romans, their dynasties and the historic eras of all the Roman Emperors and usurpers. Read about the life of Avitus who can be described or remembered as:

 "The Emperor who was backed by the Visigoths..."

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Famous Romans - History, Facts and information about the Roman Emperor Avitus *** The Life, History and short Biography of Avitus *** Fast facts, short biography and interesting information *** Avitus *** History, facts, short biography and information about the good, bad and downright evil rulers of Ancient Rome *** Facts and information about the life and great power of this Emperor of Rome and the the provinces of the Roman Empire


Short Biography about the life of Avitus
Short Biography profile and facts about one of the most famous Romans of all, in the life of Avitus, Emperor of the Western Roman Empire.

Name commonly known as: Avitus *** Latin Roman Name: Marcus Maecilius Flavius Eparchius Avitus *** Reigned as Roman Emperor / Caesar: July 9, 455 - 17 October 456 ***

Dynasty / Historical Period: Western Empire (394 - 476) which led to the disintegration of Roman authority and the Fall of the Roman Empire

Date of Birth: c. 395 *** Place and Date of Death: 457AD ***

For the names of the next Roman emperors in the East and the West of the Empire refer to the Timeline of Roman Emperors

Interesting facts about the life of Avitus
Obtain a fast overview of the times of the Roman Emperor Avitus from the following facts and information about his life. There was panic in the streets due to the after the sack of Rome by the Vandals. The previous emperor, Petronius Maximus, was killed in the streets by the mob on 31 May 455. On 9 July 455 Avitus was proclaimed emperor with backing by the Visigoths. Marcian, emperor of the Eastern Roman empire, refused to recognize the emperors of the Western empire and did nothing to aid the west during Attila's campaigns or when the Vandals sacked Rome. In 456 war with the Vandals continued but the attempts by Avitus to defeat them failed. There was famine in Rome and Avitus was forced to disband his Visigoth bodyguard in Rome. Leo I,  the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, who was based in Constantinople, tried to control Italian affairs through Ricimer, who was a military leader and the grandson of Wallia, king of the Visigoths. Ricimer incited rebellion amongst the Romans forcing Avitus to abdicate on 17 October 456 and he fled to Arles and then Gaul. His attempt to return to Rome ended when he was defeated in battle and captured  near Placentia. Ricimer granted the Avitus the position of bishop of Placentia. But he was not left in peace and the senate ordered his execution. Once again Avitus fled to Gaul but on the way he died. The cause of death is unknown. There were rumours that he had died from the plague but this could have been a cover story for his assassination. Avitus was succeeded by Petronius Maximus.

The content of this Avitus category in the Emperors of Ancient Rome provides free educational details, facts and information for reference and research for schools, colleges and homework. Refer to the Colosseum Sitemap for a comprehensive search on interesting different categories containing the history, facts and information about the lives and people of Ancient Rome.

Famous Romans - History, Facts and information about the Roman Emperor Avitus *** The Life, History and short Biography of Avitus *** Fast facts, short biography and interesting information *** Avitus *** History, facts, short biography and information about the good, bad and downright evil rulers of Ancient Rome *** Facts and information about the life and great power of this Emperor of Rome and the the provinces of the Roman Empire *** Ancient history, facts and interesting information about the Romans


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