
History, Facts and Information about Zenobia
The content of this article provides interesting history, facts and information about the Empress Zenobia.

Refer to the comprehensive List of Roman Emperors for the names of the most famous Romans, their dynasties and the historic eras of all the Roman Emperors and usurpers. Read about the life of the Empress Zenobia who can be described or remembered as:

"The Warrior Queen..."

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Famous Romans - History, Facts and information about the Roman Emperor Zenobia *** The Life, History and short Biography of Zenobia *** Fast facts, short biography and interesting information *** Zenobia *** History, facts, short biography and information about the good, bad and downright evil rulers of Ancient Rome *** Facts and information about the life and great power of this Emperor of Rome and the the provinces of the Roman Empire


Short Biography about the life of Zenobia
Short Biography profile and facts about one of the most famous Romans of all, in the life of Zenobia, Empress of the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire.

Name commonly known as: Empress Zenobia, who ruled the Eastern provinces of the Roman empire from 267 to 273 AD from Palmyra in central Syria *** Latin Roman Name: Septimia Zenobia *** Reigned as Roman Empress: 267-273 AD *** Name of previous Emperor: Her Roman rival was the Emperor Aurelian

Family connections / Genealogy

 *** Name of Father: Julius Aurelius Zenobius *** Married: Odaenathus *** Children: Vaballathus

Place and Date of Death: *** Name of next Emperor:  The successor to Zenobia was Vabalathus the son of empress but officially the next Roman Emperor was Tacitus

Interesting facts about the life of Zenobia
Obtain a fast overview of the times of the Roman Empress Zenobia from the following facts and information about her life. Why was Zenobia famous? Accomplishments, achievements and important events: This illustrious woman was not only learned, beautiful, and an agreeable writer, but governed the East for five years with discretion and success. Zenobia claimed to be a descendant of Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt. In 267, Zenobia’s husband Odaenathus, the ruler of the Arab kingdom of Palmyra, Syria, was assassinated. Her son and the heir to the throne Vaballathus, was only a year old, so Zenobia succeeded her husband and ruled Palmyra. In 269 Palmyra broke with Rome and Zenobia proclaimed herself Empress of the Eastern Roman Empire. The army of Zenobia conquered Egypt in 270AD with help from their Egyptian ally, Timagenes and Zenobia proclaimed herself Queen of Egypt. The Roman world named her "Warrior Queen". She made other conquests until her threat could not be ignored. The Emperor Aurelian defeated her in battle and was amazed at her warlike preparations upon the fall of Palmyra, and treated her beautiful city with lenity. However, the Palmyrenians  rebelled and the city was taken by storm and its people put to death. Zenobia and Vaballathus were taken as hostages to Rome by Aurelian. Vaballathus died on his way to Rome. Aurelian returned to Rome to celebrate his triumph. The spoils of his campaigns were borne before him as were his captives who included the beautiful Empress Zenobia, bound with fetters of gold. A whole day was consumed in the passage of the triumphal procession through the streets of Rome. Aurelian impressed by her beauty and intelligence, freed Zenobia. She was granted her an elegant villa in Tivoli, Italy where she lived in luxury and raised another family.

The content of this Zenobia category in the Emperors of Ancient Rome provides free educational details, facts and information for reference and research for schools, colleges and homework. Refer to the Colosseum Sitemap for a comprehensive search on interesting different categories containing the history, facts and information about the lives and people of Ancient Rome.

Famous Romans - History, Facts and information about the Roman Emperor Zenobia *** The Life, History and short Biography of Zenobia *** Fast facts, short biography and interesting information *** Zenobia *** History, facts, short biography and information about the good, bad and downright evil rulers of Ancient Rome *** Facts and information about the life and great power of this Emperor of Rome and the the provinces of the Roman Empire *** Ancient history, facts and interesting information about the Romans


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