Roman Republic Timeline

Fast Facts and Information via the Roman Republic Timeline
The content of this article provides interesting history, facts and information via the Roman Republic Timeline. These major historical events are arranged in timelines of chronological, or date, order providing an actual sequence of past events and people of significance to the history of Rome in the Roman Republic Timeline.

Many historical events occurred during times of crisis and such events led to disaster, causing much suffering and loss. Major incidents, people and events can be found in the Roman Republic Timeline.

The Roman Republic Timeline - Helpful Facts and Info about the Roman Republic
This Timeline of Ancient Rome provides fast facts and interesting information about the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic was the ancient Roman state which started in 509 BC and lasted until Augustus assumed power in 27 BC.

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Roman Republic Timeline

Roman Republic Timeline
Roman Republic Timeline:


History of Rome - Roman Republic Timeline

Timeline Dates: Timeline of Important Events and Dates
in the Roman Republic

509 BC: Rome replaced the Etruscan rulers with a Republic during the History of Rome.    The revolt was led by Lucius Junius Brutus who became the founder of the Roman Republic and traditionally one of the first Consuls of Rome

501 BC: Appointment of the first-ever dictator, T. Larcius

494 BC: First Secession of the Plebs in Rome. Creation of the Tribune of the Plebs

451-449.: The Decemvirate formed - a body of 10 magistrates and establishes The Code of the Twelve Tables.

445 BC: Law passed by a tribune named Canuleius, the lex Canuleia, replacing the consuls with military tribunes with consular powers

428 BC: Rome conquers Fidenae.

390 BC: Gallic invasion of Italy and the Destruction of Rome by the Gauls

343-341 BC: The Roman Republic fights the 1st Samnite War

326-304 BC: The Roman Republic fights the 2nd Samnite War

298 to 290 BC: The Roman Republic fights the 3rd Samnite War

282 - 275 BC: War against King Phyrrus of Epirus.

264 BC: Introduction of gladiator 'games' in Rome

264-146: The Punic Wars - a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage by the Roman Republic
260 BC Rome builds its first major fleet
202 BC Battle of Zama, Scipio defeats Hannibal

215 to 148 BC: Macedonian Wars (Four Wars) with Northern Greece

174 BC: The Circus Maximus in Rome is rebuilt after suffering major structural damage.

146 BC: The consul Lucius Mummius razes Corinth, marking the end of free Greece

135 - 132 BC: Slave revolts in Sicily. (1st Servile War).

133-132 BC: The tribune Tiberius Gracchus unleashes the mob with promises of food and lands. He is murdered by members of the senate whose wealth and power is threatened

112-105 BC: The Jugurthine War with Numidia.

104 - 100 BC: Second Sicilian slave war (2nd Servile War).

107 BC: Consul Gaius Marius makes dramatic reforms to the Roman army in the History of Rome

91 BC: Drusus, another tribune proposing reforms, is murdered in Rome, triggering the Social War Second Sicilian Slave war ended by Roman general Manius Aquillius.

90BC: Civil War in Rome

88 BC: Sulla marches on Rome and becomes Dictator

78 BC: Death of Sulla

75 BC: Julius Caesar captured by pirates

73 BC: Outbreak of Third Servile War, led by the slave and gladiator Spartacus

71 BC: Revolt of Spartacus crushed by Pompey and Crassus

70 BC: Crassus and Pompey become joint consuls of the Roman Republic

59 BC: Julius Caesar becomes consul an important event in the History of Rome

59 - 53BC: Pompey, Marcus Licinius Crassus Gaius Julius Caesar dominate the Late Roman republic through a political alliance called the First Triumvirate

58 BC: Julius Caesar campaigns in Gaul

55 BC: Julius Caesar attempts to invade Britain and succeeds in 54 BC

49 BC: Caesar's army crosses the Rubicon and Civil War begins between Caesar and the Republican forces of Pompey Julius Caesar is victorious, becomes dictator of the Roman Republic and then conquers Gaul

47 BC: Caesar invades Egypt and appoints Cleopatra queen

44 BC: Julius Caesar is assassinated; Marcus Antony controls Rome

43 BC: The Second Triumvirate established in the Roman Republic between Octavian (Julius Caesar's adoptive son) and Marc Antony

42 BC: Octavian takes control of Italy

31 BC: Battle of Actium, Octavian defeats Marc Antony and Queen Cleopatra

27BC: Octavian, became, as Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of Rome and the Roman Republic comes to an end - The Fascinating History of Rome

Roman Republic Timeline
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History, Facts and information via the Roman Republic Timeline *** Interesting Information via the Roman Republic Timeline - History and Chronology of Rome at a glance *** Roman Republic Timeline *** Chronology of Key Names, Key Dates, Key People and Key Events in the History Roman Republic Timeline *** Roman history with the Roman Republic Timeline containing interesting chronology of facts, dates & information *** Chronologies of key dates, history, facts and info *** Fast and accurate details via the Timeline of the Kingdom of Rome - Famous people, famous places and famous events

Roman Republic Timeline

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Roman Republic Timeline